Good governance together…
What is governance? What is good governance?
Governance is the methods and processes you use to manage your business activity. To fulfill the expectations of your board, your Parish Council, your Diocese or community members, for example.
If you are not a formal legal entity, then your constitution can detail who does what, holds which office, and how and when you meet and make decisions, for example.
If you are a registered charity, your obligations will be more complex and bound in statute. They need not necessarily be difficult to complete, but will require planning and organisation to deliver. This is good governance.
Your model will also need to be appropriate for your business planning process. Do we need to cultivate memberships, or community involvement? Is there a way to do this in our governance model?
Is our board enough? Do we need to co-opt partners from other organisations in our decision making process?
Is your governance right for the type of business you want to deliver?
Begin by looking at legal forms. What type of organisation do we need? Read more here on our legal forms page.