Launched as part of the recent Trustees Week, there is a new version of the original Code of Good Governance available for review.
Last updated in 2010, this new draft code has a number of changes which can help Charity Boards to track and successfully demonstrate inclusivity and a broader effectiveness.
For charities, indeed any sort of third sector organisation, interested in developing goood governance practice, this is an excellent primer and source of operational philosophy for your group..
The main changes to the last edition of the Code include:
• a new section on the importance of effective leadership
• recognising that the culture and behaviours of the charity and its board (for example its governing body or management committee) are as important as its governance structures and processes
• reflecting the board’s outward-facing role, including the relationship between what an individual charity does and the implication for the wider sector
• recognising that diversity, in all its forms, is most important for promoting good governance
• expecting more from and being clearer about recommended good practice in some areas, such as board membership and tenure
Source: Accessed: 23.11.2016 (.pdf version)
Have your say:
The consultation for the new draft runs to the beginning of February in 2017. You can have your say and express your opinion about the new draft by visiting the Governance Code survey page here.
The good governance code is jointly owned and developed by NCVO, ACEVO, SCC, ICSA & WCVA.

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